What Does High-Impact Marketing Really Mean?

When you engage an external marketing services provider, you want to make sure they can deliver high-impact results that create value for the business, such as new pipeline, customers, revenue, referrals, or shorter sales cycles.
Achieving those results often means creative strategies and tactics to drive traffic to your website, generate leads, build brand awareness and thought leadership, nurture prospects, and more. And to do that well, you need to have a deep understanding of your buyers, the problems they face, and how your company can help.
What Does APG Do Differently to Achieve High-Impact Marketing?
It’s not enough to partner with a service provider to produce a white paper, a webinar, or a data sheet. Those things alone won’t move the needle enough. That’s why we go further. APG understands that delivering high-impact marketing involves both strategic and tactical elements.
On the strategic front, we’ll undertake audits to understand what’s working and what’s not, design recommendations to fix what’s not optimal, and help you implement those recommendations. Here are a few ways we do that:
- If you are just getting started (or adding a new solution to your portfolio), you’ll need to define buyer personas, scope out target markets and accounts, and formulate key messages. We’ve done that for startups, startovers, and even some of the world’s largest technology companies.
- If you are trying to move the needle in your content marketing program, we recommend a strategic content audit so that we can decide together which types of assets and what topics will make the largest impact on your business.
- If your marketing programs aren’t delivering, we can conduct a digital presence audit to find the issues, whether it’s a leaky conversion funnel, a less-than-effective hand-off to sales, or uninspiring ad copy.
Even if you don’t go the strategic route, we’re constantly looking for tactical ways to enhance the impact of our efforts on your behalf. For example:
- Complimentary brainstorming sessions and in-depth scoping calls help ensure we land on THE best-fit project and deliverables for a given need/initiative.
- Active, ongoing involvement on all engagements by a member of the APG management team provides another set of experienced eyes to help ensure your project is always on track for a positive outcome.
- Post-project review of our performance and your overall satisfaction with the final deliverables and downstream outcomes helps us fine-tune our approach on an individual basis for each and every client.
The net result of our high-impact approach: technology marketing that is simply more effective.